
December 1, 2016

With all the holiday parties, school and work obligations and long to-do lists, this time of year likely makes you wish for nothing more than a long winter’s nap. But if you’re not getting adequate sleep – or seasonal allergies or illnesses have you down – you might be taking it out on your eyes.

November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and if you’re like most Americans, you’re probably thinking as much about gravy and stuffing as you are about what you’re thankful for.

November 1, 2016

Just like that, October is just about gone and you’re busy nursing your Halloween-induced candy hangover. Now is about the time you might start thinking about getting a little healthier, and that candy isn’t likely doing you any favors.

October 18, 2016

With autumn upon us, the “fruits” of the season are also here for us to enjoy. And with the bountiful harvest that fall brings with it, there’s no better time to talk health and nutrition – especially when it can so greatly affect your vision and eye health!

September 23, 2016

f you’re like most Americans, you’re probably spending more time exposed to “blue light” than you think.

August 25, 2016

Earlier this month, we told you that August is Children’s Vision and Learning Month!

August 9, 2016

Well, you might feel like you’re just in the swing of your summer fun, you’ve likely realized that the school year is right around the corner!

July 19, 2016

As a human being, you’re meant to blink – and blink correctly! Blinking keeps the surface of your eyes clear of debris and allergens and keeps the ocular surface lubricated. Why is that important?

June 30, 2016

This week marks Helen Keller’s 136th birthday, and while she may no longer be with us, she certainly left a good deal of life lessons for us to learn from.

June 13, 2016

From pool parties to desert hikes, summer is definitely everyone’s favorite time of year. But with the long days and endless sunshine summer brings, it also brings some health threats – to your eyes in particular.

Advanced Vision Institute

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