How Should Eyecare Change As You Age?

Did you know that your vision starts to deteriorate naturally when you get to 40?

Maybe you have just turned 40, or you are a bit older and have noticed changes in your visual ability. It is very normal as most people start to have trouble with their vision when they get to this age. The eyes age just like any other part of the body. Having been exposed to the elements all your life, they expectedly lose their vigor and ability with age.


When you get older, you will be exposed to several eye conditions. Some are common, while others are not so common. Read on to learn about the expected changes and how you can get ahead.


Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy


The best care is preventative care because it can keep many issues away. Here are some tips to help your eyes stay healthy for as long as possible. 


  • Ensure that you have UVA- and UVB-blocking sunglasses when you leave the house, even if there is cloud cover. You can also include a wide-brimmed hat in the outfit to cover the top of the eyes

  • Eat healthy foods

  • Quit smoking

  • Maintain healthy blood pressure

  • Maintain a healthy weight by being physically active

  • Practice looking away for 20 seconds every time you work long hours in front of a computer


Eye Problems That Come With Age




Presbyopia is the most common age-related eye problem for most people over 40. It is the inability to focus on things close to your face. It develops slowly as you age and begins to affect you when you turn 40. Most people begin to adjust by holding things they want to read at a distance from their eyes. Some experience eye fatigue or headaches when they are reading. You can get bifocal glasses to help adjust to this condition.



Floaters are a normal occurrence even for younger people. They seem like specks or tiny spots floating through your vision field out of nowhere. You may notice them on a bright day or entering a brightly lit room. However, they may indicate a more sinister underlying problem, especially if you see flashes with them. Seeing flashes following floaters could be a symptom of retinal detachment.


Dry Eyes


Another common condition is dry eyes or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. It occurs when your eyes fail to produce enough tears or good-quality tears. Your eyes will feel dry and irritated with a burning sensation. The eye doctor may suggest LipiFlow® treatment, eye drops, or getting a humidifier in your house. 



Cataracts occur when the eye’s lens becomes cloudy, causing blurry vision. It comes with age as the lens protein begins accumulating and collecting on the surface. There are no symptoms when the cataracts are forming, and you will only notice the vision changes when they become apparent.


Eye Care When You Are Aging


  • Visit an eye doctor regularly once you turn 40 years old, at least once every year

  • Have a dilated pupil exam each year if you have diabetes or have a history of eye disease

  • Visit a doctor regularly for a health check to check for an illness that can cause eye conditions


For more on how eyecare should change as you age, contact Advanced Vision Institute at our offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. Call (702) 819-9800 to book an appointment today.

Advanced Vision Institute

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