What Is Blepharitis, and How Is It Treated?

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the oil glands in the eyelids. It is a skin condition that causes the eyelids to become red, swollen, irritated, and itchy. People can also use home remedies to treat eyelid inflammation. 


If the condition is severe or chronic, medical treatment may be necessary. Prescription medication can help treat blepharitis. You can find out what blepharitis is and its treatment.  


Symptoms of Blepharitis

  • Several symptoms can indicate that a person has blepharitis. Symptoms include:
  • Stinging or burning eyes.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Eyelid thickening.
  • Eyelids and lashes flaking. 
  • The sensation of something in the eye.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Light sensitivity.
  • Red and irritated eyelids. 

Some people produce tears that have bubbles or are foamy. Others wake up with eyelashes and eyelids that are crusty. For people with chronic blepharitis, the symptoms clear up but return after a few weeks, making it difficult to treat.


Causes of Blepharitis 

Blepharitis can be due to different reasons, including excess bacteria, allergies, hormone problems, and blocked oil glands. Skin conditions such as eczema, acne rosacea, and contact dermatitis can lead to blepharitis. Blepharitis can also result from a bacterial infection. 


Bacteria are ever present on the skin; when they overgrow, they can become a problem. An eyelash mite is a parasite that can cause blepharitis, especially among older adults. Poor hygiene, especially among kids, can lead to the accumulation of bacteria on the skin. This accumulation causes blepharitis.


Diagnosing Blepharitis

To diagnose blepharitis, the doctor will ask about symptoms and examine eyelids and eyelashes. The doctor will also examine your skin texture. Using a magnifying device, the doctor will look at the eyelid edges and the gland openings. 


An examination of the eyes will help determine if they produce enough tears. The doctor will take a sample from the eyelid material to look for bacteria. Proper diagnosis will help get the best treatment option. 


Home Remedies for Blepharitis 

It is possible to manage blepharitis at home using simple remedies. Applying a warm compress over the eyelids can help treat the condition. An eyelid scrub can also help reduce bacteria on the skin. 


Use a gentle cleanser to scrub the eyelids after applying a compress, then rinse using cool water. There are OTC treatments that can help treat blepharitis. Medicated eyelid washes are readily available. They help clear blepharitis and prevent further inflammation.


Medical Treatment for Blepharitis 

Depending on the severity and cause of blepharitis, a doctor can recommend several treatment options. The options include using artificial tears or antibiotics in the form of pills, drops, ointments, or an eye spray. 


Other options are antiviral drugs and medications like cyclosporine or glucocorticoids. In some cases, people insert plugs to block the tear ducts, keeping more tears in the eyes. 


Blepharitis is a leading cause of dry eyes. Taking good care of your eyelids is the best way to manage blepharitis. This can help prevent complications such as loss of eyelashes, eyelid scarring, cornea inflammation, and clogged glands. 


For more on blepharitis and its treatment, visit Advanced Vision Institute at (702) 819-9800 in our office in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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